“Then the fifth [angel] emptied his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was [plunged] in darkness; and people gnawed their tongues for the torment [of their excruciating distress and severe pain], and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their anguish and their ulcers (sores), and they did not deplore their wicked deeds or repent [for what they had done].” Revelation 16:10-11 ->me: While reading this passage today I was struck by the stubbornness of these people. They had all the information they needed to understand that if they simply repented from their sin and wickedness they would be spared. But here we have over and over again John witnessing the absolute disgust and disdain of these people for the God of Heaven. Then…I stopped to pose this inwardly. In what areas of my life do I turn my back on God and even though painful as the situation might be I still cling to the things of this world and not recognize Him? I am a born again Christian and I love the Lord my God; I know how much He has done for me and I am so undeserving (we know what I deserve from yesterday’s QT). Yet, there are still times, situations, places, and states of mind that I try to own and make my own way….because of course I know better, right? I have to learn that there is sinful tendencies of this flesh even in the things that seem like good efforts -> managing the future of my job, managing God’s resources that have been put in my control, assuming I know what is best for my kids in my own mind without consulting what God says in His word. Holy Spirit, please reveal these places in my life that I hold from You. Help me to have the strength and presence of mind to stop and let You guide in Your perfect way.