“My sacrifice O God is broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart Lord, You will not despise. May it please You to prosper Zion, to build up the walls of Jerusalem…then You will delight in the sacrifice of the righteous.” Psalm 51:17&18 ->me: Yesterday I said that I would roll out my new approach to spending time with the Lord each day especially when it comes to days that I didn’t physically sit down with His word in front of me for dedicated quiet time. First, my goal continues to be to have a quiet time everyday where I spend time in the prayer closet followed by deep study with Him in His word. Whether I have the quiet time or not I am starting to focus on sustained dwelling and communion with Jesus, all through the day, every day. I will live every day seeking opportunities to serve Him, seeking His wisdom, seeking to see more of His character, seeking to know Him better, and asking Him to help me grow in the ways of His Son. In this hectic time right now, there are days where I have not been able to get that focused quiet time with Him but that does not mean I can’t have the focus on sustained communion I talk about above. On those days I will still write and replace QTVOTD with CWGT (Communion With God Today) and share something the Lord revealed to me about Himself, myself, or something I felt led to do or anything else that stood out in my relationship with my Savior that day. This verse today is appropriate as I feel broken before Him in my human attitude and foolishness. I tend to over think things and this is no exception. This verse says that the Lord is pleased in our sacrifice and worship when we are broken before Him. This is what I needed to make this turn today.