19th (Day 51) “I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Psalms 16:7-8
As I read this Psalm today, it follows a conversation we are having as church elders. I am so thankful for God’s counsel and as David says here, I am also thankful for the nights I am kept awake while my God-filled heart (of the new man) instructs me. This happens when I set God before me, always keeping Him in my view and following His will and purpose for my life. Because I know that He is there, I can confidently walk forward into tough situations because He is right there; I can stand firm the Truth of His word. When we seek God and His answers to life’s questions, there is a peace and confidence that comes when we KNOW that what we are doing is supported by the will of God…its powerful!