Marianne’s Notes: The POWER of the gospel…

Amazing that I’ve had time today to actually WRITE something down!!

I Peter 1:18-20

“…knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.  He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you.”

We who claim the name of Christ we weren’t redeemed with anything that fades or breaks down.  No!  We were redeemed with the precious, sacred, holy, glorious, righteous blood of JESUS CHRIST!  His blood.  The infinite God.  The Creator of all the world, space, and time…  It’s HIS blood that has redeemed me…FOREVER.  I can not step outside of His blood…it’s already been shed for me, over me, stained me.  There is NOTHING I can do or say that will ever un-redeem me.  Jesus Christ became my covenant.  He is my perfect lamb…the only One who could have the power to save me incorruptibly. 


Before the foundations of the world were made it was foreordained that He would manifest this gift for ME!  Let that sink in.  If that doesn’t speak indescribable VALUE into my heart then nothing will!  He has chosen me not because I’m special, talented, or have “so much to offer”…simply because of His grace & mercy & love. 

This is the POWER of the gospel.  This has the power to melt any heart of stone.  This is where I stand, firm and complete…in His incorruptible redemption.  Only He can make all things new…only He redeems.  We are to SHOW that to the world. 

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