Top Level Notes for 1 John 4:6-12
Verse 6: We ARE children of GOD!
- John is telling his church that they should have confidence in what they believe.
- Being that they drink up the truth of God’s word and bask in the knowledge of Him 2 things happen.
- People truly searching will listen to them and their teaching
- Those who are not of God (not called by Him) will not listen or pay attention
When you, yourself, are confident in your relationship and rest in the Truth of the Almighty God, you will have the ability to discern who is of God and searching Him and those who are of this world and of the spirit of error.
Verse 7: You cannot truly be begotten of God and Love Him and not love your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. When you love your fellowmen your relationship with the Almighty will grow.
Verse 8: God IS Love -> love comes from Him. You can not KNOW God if you do not love.
Verse 9: The fact that God IS love was displayed through the sending of His Son to this earth to die on a tree and be the propitiation for our sins. The sending of Jesus as an act of love was also through His teaching we would have the knowledge by living in and through Him (His ways).
Verse 10: God didn’t send His Son because we loved Him (as a response to our love), no, He did it entirely out of His love for us.
Verse 11: If God has loved us so much and all of His actions stem from His love toward us then we must love others so that God can be seen through how we treat others.
Verse 12: We have not seen God Himself with our eyes but if we allow love to guide our actions (Love toward others) when we can know that God abides in us because His love is what we draw from; His love is made perfect in us.