“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:6-7 -> me: The last several weeks can only be described as inconsistency. Today I started 2nd Timothy. I started my quiet time with a pray of repentance and asking of forgiveness to my Lord in being distance and complacent the last several weeks. Then, here I read “fan into flame the gift of God”. That is exactly what pursuing God and His will for your life is…the Amplified version says “rekindle the ember of…the inner fire that is in you”. My whole time in prayer was recounting to my Lord and Savior the confidence in spirit I have when I am in His word [DAILY], praying for the needs of others [HOURLY], and seeking His will [EVERY FREE MOMENT]. Just yesterday I was talking to Sophie in the car on the way back from church; encouraging her not to snuff out or quench the sensitive heart she has….that it is a gift from God that she needs to hone and sharpen by seeking God’s power through daily reading and prayer. That there will be a day that she will get that ‘ET Feeling’ in her heart and instead of fear, she will be filled with an awesome sense of God’s closeness to her through this open portal to His Spirit and will for her. When we got done with our car ride, I just sat there thanking God for His word into MY heart through what I was telling my own daughter…I need to practice using the gifts and tools He has given me in my life to do His work; to impact His kingdom for eternity. So not only did God speak to my heart in what He laid before me to tell Sophie, but then He one-upped it by giving me a verse in my quiet time today to share with Sophie as a verse to focus on in regard to this special gift she has. Humbled….