QTVOTD: My prayer being in line with God’s will…

(Day 35) “Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.  The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord receives my prayer.  Let all my enemies be ashamed and sorely troubled; let them turn back and be put to shame suddenly.” Psalms 6:8-10

I love the confidence David has here in his resolve that the Lord has his back in his situation. I think the ‘be put to shame suddenly’ is more about the swiftness of Gods vindication versus the suddenness that something might happen (like being surprised by it). I have been riveted to my TV up here in our bedroom with all the ladies downstairs but I have peace and comfort in my heart that the Lord is in control. No matter what happens, it will be His will. It is God Himself who puts kings, leaders, and rulers in place. Whoever becomes president will be deliberately put in place to perform what the Lord has already predetermined. It will only play a part in producing a coming on our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

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