It’s All About “Each Other”…

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:18-21

I have soooo many posts to update! As I posted yesterday, the workload up until yesterday has been overwhelming. Not only for me but for my family. After I arrived in Orange County last night, hugged my family, got to the hotel, and put the Littles in bed, Marianne and I were able to connect in a really good way for the first time…in weeks really. I realized that although my family has been standing in the gap, Marianne has been worn down with all of the management of the rest of the goings-on of our lives. I was able to get a glimpse of how hard it has been on her. Although I am so much further ahead in my reading, I am going to complete my posts on all the QTs I have not been able to post. I will get all of my posts in but I will only be sending emails on just one per day…so, if you want to see the others, you may need to go back to the main blog page list to see missed posts.

My last piece of this passage of Ephesians 5:18-21, ends with “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ”. This is so applicable to me today even though it was weeks back. This conversation with Marianne was a moment I was able to let my own needs take a back seat while I listened to Marianne pour out her heart. It became clear to me that even though she was surviving, she has not been thriving.

It is so appropriate that Paul ends with this exhortation before he moves into the passages on wives and husbands, children, and slaves and masters. Without a submission to one another and a respect for God, these relationships can break down into selfishness that has the potential of bringing dysfunction. The key issue in this verse is where it fits. Does it finish with the context of the exhortation about being filled with the Spirit, or does it belong as the introduction to the exhortation to wives to submit, framing marriage as an act of dual submission? The answer is ‘both’. I am not saying that Marianne supporting my work craziness is an act of submission; no, it is a mutual understanding and support of one another even when life gets overfilled as it often does.

It is important context because it means that our marriage is to reflect relationships we have in the church and that the humility involved in submission is to apply to both of us in the marriage, even as our functions are also discussed. The details of how that works will come in the following verses. Submission requires humility, which is a core tenant for believers. What this humility looks like is shown in the example of Jesus described in Philippians 2:5–11, where Jesus did not cling to his Godship, but emptied himself to take on the salvation of our souls in the place we were (dead in sin and without hope of justification), dying for us as sinners and serve people despite His position as the Creator of all things. Function is not focused on status or power, but on service. The reverence or respect for Christ that is to be joined in mutual submission points not only to regard for Jesus, but to an awareness of His example as our model.


My Christian-Walk as a follower of Jesus, is to have a sensitivity towards and empathy for others (most notably my family). My relationships are built on my ability to be aware of others. Service means being connected to the needs of others. So, there is a focus towards others that means that our attention is not on us but on them. That kind of mutual awareness ties us together and makes us a body of believers. It is better for me to look out for Marianne than for me to look out for myself. So, the submission to each other drives our relationships in the community where all follow the example of Christ, who served from the highest point of everything.

Today’s Psalm:

​ As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God? Psalms 42:1 & 2

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