“For you shall go out [from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland] with joy and be led forth [by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word] with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree; and it shall be to the Lord for a name of renown, for an everlasting sign [of jubilant exaltation] and memorial [to His praise], which shall not be cut off.” Isaiah 55:12-13 ->me: When we leave our sin and unrighteousness and walk toward the Lord, He will go before us and we will have peace and joy in knowing we are protected by the King and His peace will fall onto us. When this happens even creation will respond with joy. Personal transformation comes in: 1) New emotions (joy), 2) New relationships and expectations (peace), 3) New Guardianship (led), and 4) New environment. THE LORD WILL BE GLORIFIED! This is the reason all of this happens…for God’s glory. This is something that has been coming up over and over again in my quiet times and sermon listening over the last week or so. All through Isaiah there are several main themes: A) God hates self-sufficiency and pride (it takes His glory and puts it on you). B) God is gracious and full of, what seems like, unwarranted mercy (celebrates His glory). C) The Messiah is coming and will be the ultimate sacrifice for sins (to reclaim God’s glory). God does everything for His glory. This passage today is no different – Isaiah is talking about how even creation arranges itself to be a marker for the greatness and glory of God. When the people are united with their God there is a party and celebration with monuments erected to memorialize the day.