“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. Yes, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice in them all…” Ecclesiastes 11:7-8a ->me: TL;DR Take joy in every day. I think about the times that I have been on vacation or fishing with my dad, brother, and/or family and come out in the morning and let the warmth of the sun rest on my face…sitting out in the beauty that God has designed so intricately. He has created all that we see for Himself…just letting that soak that in for a minute…EVERYTHING He has created He has created for Himself and His Glory. While I am here on this earth I get to enjoy the material nature of what He has created; smells, sights, the feel of grass under my feet, and the mesmerizing effect of fire. Elsewhere, the word ‘light’ is used for joy and blessing as a contrast to sorrow, adversity, and death. Light, here meaning the joy of being alive. Then the Preacher uses two words to describe the joyfulness of life, sweet and pleasant. The latter is a general word, as widely used as our English word ‘good’; the former, more precise, is used for the sweetness of honey, the opposite of ‘bitter’. The double description implies that life is not only good in itself but that it is to be savored with enthusiasm, as someone might enjoy honey.