“Arise and thresh, O Daughter of Zion! For I will make your horn iron and I will make your hoofs bronze; you shall beat in pieces many peoples, and I will devote their gain to the Lord and their treasure to the Lord of all the earth.” Micah 4:13 ->me: This whole chapter of Micah is focused on God telling the Israelites that they will be beaten down for their iniquity and thrown into exile but in the end they will be delivered and used as an instrument of God’s wrath against the ungodly nations – and in the execution of that wrath they will give God any benefit or plunder taken as a victor’s bounty. My life feels like a cycle of this -> I drift away from the Lord and I reap the consequences of my distance from Him, but when I turn toward Him I am rewarded with a peace and comfort that is difficult to describe. When I am in this place I want to give God everything, every glory, every complement, and every spoil from the victories He gives me over my enemies (my idols, my pride). I am at most peace when I give God my best. The combination of Pastor Koby’s message and this quiet time today really help me see that there is more to do, more sinful ways of operating to purge so that I can be used to the best of the gifts He has given me. The more I learn from His word the more and more changes I see that I need to make.