[QTVOTD] Not just ‘that carpenter’s son’…

“And they took offense at Him, but Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house’, and He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief.” Matthew 13:57&58 ->me: <I started this last night but it was too late to send – You’re welcome.  🙂 >  The main phrase I have been focusing on with this verse is ‘He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief’.  How does this show up in my own life?  I am sorry that I keep referencing ‘The Praying Life’ book but the points made by the writer and my quiet times are so connected this week.  Some of you have heard me say that when I am in a spiritually dry season of life I will carry forward with my pursuit of God’s character and will stick to my commitments to Him in spite of the trench -> “Duty until Delight”.  What I am learning is that during those dry spells, unbelief can settle in, and that can have a direct impact on being elevated out of the ditch.  Yes, I am praying and reading God’s word but my prayers lack deep conviction that Jesus is listening, hearing my pleas for His presence and touch in my life.  Just yesterday I was talking to a dear friend at lunch and talking about how God uses these times in my life to help me see that it is not about me, it is about worship and glorifying God simply because of Who He is not because of who I want to be.  If I don’t do this with a full belief in God’s power to answer prayer, or full belief in my hope in Him, then I am cutting short the opportunity I have to see the Lord do something big.  Lastly, I need to see Jesus as GOD.  Not the ‘Handy Man’ who might show up once in a while help me fix a leak in my spiritual tank; He is the tank, He is the Power and Reason for my existence.  In the lowest moments I need to see Jesus as the Almighty God of Creation Who has chosen me, not the ‘carpenters son’.

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