“For WHEREVER two or three are gathered (drawn together as My Followers – in fellowship with Me) in My name, there I AM in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 ->me: Today my reading was in Matthew 18:15-20 where Jesus is telling the disciples how to approach a way ward brother or sister who has sinned against them. The primary message here is the steps to take to bring the person into confession and repentance; healing of the relationship with the one sinned against is not the main focus. The approach is a slow escalation with each step having the goal of reconciling the way ward brother or sister to Christ, in right relationship with Him. Even though many churches use this passage as a way to articulate how to execute church discipline, the primary focus of the effort is driven by the disciple who was sinned against. Ultimately the disciple is the one who will resort to treating that person as an unbeliever (a tax collector or pagan). Then finally, there are verses 18, 19, and 20 which talk about the prayerful decision given to two or three who are in fellowship with the Lord Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. What is bound by them in prayer in heaven is also bound on earth, and whatever they prayer for in agreement will be given by the Father. Then we come to my quiet time verse today -> when two or more Christians (in close fellowship with the Lord and drawn by Him) come together in the name of Jesus, He is there with them! Just dwell on that for a moment…