“To one he gave five talents [probably about $5,000], to another two, to another one—to each in proportion to his own personal ability. Then he departed and left the country.” Matthew 25:15 [AMP] ->me: The parable of ‘The Talents’ is a well known story. In the story, as you likely know, the first 2 servants doubled their money and the third opted for security over service by burying his talent into the ground. Upon the masters return he commended the first 2 and chastised the 3rd. In regards of the first 2, the praise from the master was exactly the same “Well done my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness.” Matthew 25:21 & 23. The things that stand out to me are 1) that the master knew the abilities of his servants and gave them purchasing power relative to those abilities. The first 2 received identical commendations, despite the different scale of responsibility originally given to them; their reward is proportionately the same, but different than their original endowment. 2) The reward was not things but more responsibility. There was no expectation from the servants that they would partake in the profits they earned the master. 3) The religion of the 3rd servant was playing it safe and therefore achieving nothing…a religion concerned only with not doing anything wrong. He failed to grasp the nature of his responsibility. ‘Being Ready’ consists not only in keeping my slate clean, but in active, responsible, faithful service which produces results.