My first ‘real’ day off from work for this week and it was so nice to just relax…and bake bread. My father in-law really likes the homemade bread, so I kicked up my sourdough starter a little over a week ago in prep. I baked 2 loaves today and have another batch ‘bulk rising’ as I type this. Tomorrow is Turkey dinner prep day, and I am so excited to have the crew over and enjoy a good meal; being grateful for all the Lord has done for us this year.
5 Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love? 6 But He gives us more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it). James 4:5-6 [AMP]
These two verses warrant a quick speed bump to address. They are some of the most widely debated in terms of interpretation in James’ letter. It is not clear where in the Old Testament (Scripture) James is referring to but the leading interpretation (Thank you Tyndale Commentary) of the second part of verse 5 is -> God jealously longs for the spirit/Spirit he has caused to dwell in us. In other words…God wants our full heart (all of who we are) and He jealously (positive) want to be the only focus. Afterall, He is the one Who put His Holy Spirit in us when we came to Salvation through our belief in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has a claim on us by virtue of His work in our lives. Our God is ‘a consuming fire’ and His demands on us may seem terrifying. But our God is also merciful, gracious, all-loving, and willingly supplies all that we need to meet his all-encompassing demands. God’s gift of sustaining grace can be received only by those willing to admit their need and accept the gift. The proud, on the other hand, meet only resistance from God.
Application: I stand to receive all that I can possibly receive from God by giving my ‘whole self’ to Him. Not only that but my whole family will stand to be beneficiaries of the goodness that comes when I surrender all that I am to the Creator. God demands everything but just as verse 6 says -> God gives what He demands; meaning that He will help me achieve in giving what He asks of me…BUT! It takes my willing humble spirit otherwise God will set Himself against my proud heart.