QTVOTD: Stay Strong, Stay True, Stay Consistent…

Last day of the week and it was a doozy…The work craziness is in full swing with influential people leaving and work piling up. I was on calls most of the day and not a lot of time to get my important writing done for a key document I own that needs to be presented to the Government later this month. Got my work cut out for me.

2 Corinthians 4:1-3 [AMP]
THEREFORE, SINCE we do hold and engage in this ministry by the mercy of God [granting us favor, benefits, opportunities, and especially salvation], we do not get discouraged (spiritless and despondent with fear) or become faint with weariness and exhaustion.
We have renounced disgraceful ways (secret thoughts, feelings, desires and underhandedness, the methods and arts that men hide through shame); we refuse to deal craftily (to practice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dishonestly the Word of God, but we state the truth openly (clearly and candidly). And so we commend ourselves in the sight and presence of God to every man’s conscience.
But even if our Gospel (the glad tidings) also be hidden (obscured and covered up with a veil that hinders the knowledge of God), it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing and obscured [only] to those who are spiritually dying and veiled [only] to those who are lost.

In verse 1 the main point that caught my attention was “we do not get discouraged or become faint with weariness and exhaustion.” In other words – “when we are weary and exhausted, we will not become faint or discouraged”. Weary and exhaustion will come but it is by the mercy of God granting me favor, benefits, opportunities, and my Salvation that I will not become faint or discouraged.

Verse 2 is crazy awesome. Paul is talking about the renouncing of the flesh that entices one to resort to ways of operating that are “crafty’, “underhanded”, or “disgraceful”. This probably reads to some as “no duh”; but, it is a way that people might feel a tendency to do which is to find biblical scripture to support a topic rather than letting God’s word simply instruct us through the prodding and wisdom of the Holy Spirit in us. There are a lot of churches and pastors I know that engage in “Topical Preaching”, taking a current event and finding scripture to support their views–this is called eisegesis which is putting thought into God’s word versus exegesis which is pulling out what God’s word is saying.

Eisegesis -> the interpretation of a text (as of the Bible) by reading into it one’s own ideas

Exegesis -> an explanation or critical interpretation of a text


Finally, verse 3 is no less important. There have been so many times I have walked away from a situation where I have shared my faith only to feel like I have failed God in my delivery or coverage of the subject of His Gospel. There are two things that I have learned and give me confidence in sharing the gospel with others and not feeling either inadequate or guilty of poor delivery -> 1) God saves, we don’t. He calls people unto Himself and in some cases we get the privilege of being the vessel by which He pours out His gift to that person He is calling. 2) If God has not called someone to Himself then they will not hear the truth or be convicted of the truth of their sin and need for Jesus – the truth is hidden to those who are perishing and obscured to those who are spiritually dying and veiled to those who are lost. If I were to acknowledge a number 3) it would be that no person who sincerely desires to be a saved from their sin by acknowledging the perfect sacrifice of Jesus for that sin, will ever be denied Salvation.

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