BITE: The Voice of the LORD…

"The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic." 
Psalms 28:3-4

Guatemala update: Now that we know what Bella’s fever is, we have joined her as much as we can while she rests. We have talked, laughed, and enjoyed each others company. Marianne and I ventured out for some shopping and a stroll around the town which was nice and relaxing. Bella got word from Adventures In Missions that she has been accepted into their CGA program this coming fall. This was an amswer from the LORD to her for her to continue on the Missions focused work He has her on. Below are some pics from our walk yesterday.

His Voice:

  • This whole Psalm talks about the power of the VOICE of God. The the Audio Picture of the power of God’s voice rolling or peeling across the water is so awesome.
  • Water is such a chaotic force and the ocean can be so power­ful to bring even the largest ships under its control and thumb… but Gods voice rises above and rides the chaotic sea. It is important for us to take this picture and understand that God is above any problem life can throw at us.
  • When the LORD speaks, things come into existence that were not there before. The raging seas become calm and the glory of the LORD’s voice brings-every one and everything prostrate before Himself.
  • So… that’s all it would take for God to call in the end of times and bring about the Revelation version of Gods Kingdom.


  • God’s voice is majestic and powerful. His right hand brings wrath but His voice brings His presence reverberabing through creation. God’s voice is available to us today (thorugh His Spirit and His Word) but it is only when I have clothed myself in the righteous­ness of Christ (when I confess and repent of my sin) that I can hear it. When I have created the “Whisper Booth” (those sound proof boxes they make for vocal recordings) of sin that keeps me from hearing the sweet soothing voice of content, peace, correction, and truth -> I only have one voice to focus on, the voice in my Jeremiah 17: 9 heart.
A great clip taken by one of the dads over Antigua from a lookout with his drone.

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