"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD's Unfailing Love surrounds the man who trusts in Him."
Psalms 32: 8-10
Guatemala Update: Today Marianne and I did a Coffee Plantation Tour on ATVs with another dear couple, I was a ton of fun and super informational. This took most of the day but on our way back to our Hotel, we stopped by Starbucks for a cold drink and was able to see Bella for a few minutes to give her a big hug and say our goodbyes until May when we see her again. We have a Cultural walking tour through Antigua tomorrow and head back home on Wednesday morning.
I, the LORD, will Instruct you and teach you the way you should go,
- In this Psalm, David is giving us words from the LORD in regard to what God can do for us and how we should respond.
- Right here in God’s word we have divine instruction and teaching. It is God through His word that teaches and in structs. In His counsel, He also watches over us.
Don’t be like the horse or the mule who must be controlled by bit and bridle.
- As we have been going through Biblical counseling training to become counselors, we have talked about this lack of understanding. More importantly I think this is a lack of Godly fear. You go through the motions because someone told you to but there is no true understanding (internalization) as to the WHY.
- Someone I was counseling awhile back would go through the motions of behavior modification but the repentance was never there, Because of this lack of fear, they had many woes.
But! the LORD’s unfailing Love surrounds the man who trusts IN Him.
- We come to the separation in wisdom. Control without understanding is not a cooperative relationship. Placing our trust in the LORD means fearing the disappointment our actions cause the LORD. When we put our faith and trust in Him, we are spurred on to turn a 180 degrees from the sin before us.
- In my walk to be more like my Savior, I crave to honor the One Who gave up so much for me. I want to be in a place of dependence where I feel the Love of God surround me and receive His instruction, teaching, and counsel. Only then will I be able to be an instrument the LORD uses to teach, instruct, and cause others.