[QTVOTD] A reckoning awaits…

“Rejoice, O young man, in your adolescence, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your [full-grown] youth. And walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.  Therefore remove [the lusts that end in] sorrow and vexation from your heart and mind and put away evil from your body, for youth and the dawn of life are vanity [transitory, idle, empty, and devoid of truth].” Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 ->me: What a great way to cap off this chapter.  I have been moved to write about the enjoyment of life; stopping to enjoy God’s creation, personal relationships, and of course things like good food.  However, these 2 verses call me back to reality…the reality that in the end is a reckoning for all the choices we make.  We, in our earthly flesh, can not possibly make good choices on a consistent basis.  We need the kindling of the Divine Nature that God has put in all of us who believe.  Just as the verses say, ‘the ways of my heart’ and ‘the sight of my eyes’ are corrupted by my sinful fallen flesh.  I know that if I let my eyes fall off of my Savior for even 24 hours I find myself falling back into the fleshly heart and fleshly sight.  How do I kindle and grow the Divine Nature within me?  I work my rear off to keep the ways, purposes, and desires God has for me in the fore front by being in as constant prayer and communication with Him as possible.  I keep my nose in His word EVERY day.  I worship His greatness, grace, mercy, protection, healing, and anything else I can think of.  I remain thankful for His Salvation and price He paid to win my freedom.  I seek Him first and then all of these enjoyments will be added to me.

[QTVOTD] Savor the sweetness of life…

“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.  Yes, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice in them all…” Ecclesiastes 11:7-8a ->me: TL;DR Take joy in every day.  I think about the times that I have been on vacation or fishing with my dad, brother, and/or family and come out in the morning and let the warmth of the sun rest on my face…sitting out in the beauty that God has designed so intricately.  He has created all that we see for Himself…just letting that soak that in for a minute…EVERYTHING He has created He has created for Himself and His Glory.  While I am here on this earth I get to enjoy the material nature of what He has created; smells, sights, the feel of grass under my feet, and the mesmerizing effect of fire.  Elsewhere, the word ‘light’ is used for joy and blessing as a contrast to sorrow, adversity, and death.  Light, here meaning the joy of being alive.  Then the Preacher uses two words to describe the joyfulness of life, sweet and pleasant. The latter is a general word, as widely used as our English word ‘good’; the former, more precise, is used for the sweetness of honey, the opposite of ‘bitter’. The double description implies that life is not only good in itself but that it is to be savored with enthusiasm, as someone might enjoy honey.

[QTVOTD] You don’t know jack…

“As you do not know how the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.” Ecclesiastes 11:5  ->me:  There are some mysteries of life that we will never understand even though we as humans desperately try to figure them out.  People of science dedicate their entire lives to the hope that they will discover something new; and this is not a bad thing…  However, when that pursuit becomes an idol, causing you to put your hope and trust in something independent of the One True God, then that is something different all together.  My life of faith does not remove the problem of my ignorance; instead, it enables me to live with it. Faith thrives in the mystery of providence; it does not do away with it.

[QTVOTD] Don’t hesitate to give it away…

“CAST YOUR bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.  Give a portion to seven, yes, even [divide it] to eight, for you know not what evil may come upon the earth.” Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 ->me: I had to do a little reading on this passage to help get the context (talked it over with Marianne too).  This feels very much like a call to be generous in our charity and to not wait or withhold our giving for an appropriate time; be proactive in looking for ways to give it away.  ‘Cast…bread on the water, for you will find it after a long while’ points at the investment in people.  When I take chances on and am generous with my investment into those God brings into my path, I will, at some point, see the return in them.  Don’t hold back my generosity for I don’t know when I might have the opportunity again to be generous.  Try to be thoughtful in stretching the giving across as wide an area as possible (give to seven…even eight).  I don’t think this is just monetary investment, it also feels like time investment.  The Lord is really helping me to see this clearly with the book I am reading now as well – Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem.

[QTVOTD] Don’t get riled up…

“Curse not the king, no, not even in your thoughts, and curse not the rich in your bedchamber, for a bird of the air will carry the voice, and a winged creature will tell the matter.” Ecclesiastes 10:20 ->me: When I read this I hear a couple of things.  1) Don’t let the craziness of today’s politics give rise to anger.  All presidents have come and gone and this one will as well.  Thank goodness our system of government prevents too much from going sideways between occupants of the Oval Office.  2) The verse challenges us to remain calm in days of national laziness and squabbles over the most foolish things.  The Preacher is calling for a submissive approach to authority.  3) Everything that has been said about wisdom and folly points again to the main lesson of Ecclesiastes: the need to face life as it really is, and take our life day by day from the hand of a sovereign God.  When I am following God closely He will guide me and my heart to the areas He wishes to assert influence; in the mean time I am not to let the world around me get me riled up.

[QTVOTD] Take the time to do it right…

“If the ax is dull and the man does not whet the edge, he must put forth more strength; but wisdom helps him to succeed.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 ->me: There is something about this verse that really rings true with me.  Whet -> to sharpen.  A wise axeman takes the time to prepare his tools.   The foolish one will in haste run out to chop wood without tending to his equipment…because of his dull blade he will spend way more effort than is necessary to do the job.  This is a great reminder to slow down or be prepared for life’s situations.  Slow down, take stock, and do the work beforehand…everything will go so much smoother.  The biggest one I can think of is what I am doing here – I am spending time every day to learn to wield my sword and correctly wear the armor; all the while leaning on my Lord more and more so that I am prepared for when trial comes.

[QTVOTD] God’s gift to sooth anger…

“If the temper of the ruler rises up against you, do not leave your place [or show a resisting spirit]; for gentleness and calmness prevent or put a stop to great offenses.” Ecclesiastes 10:4 ->me: I really appreciate this call by the Preacher not to run from the anger of your boss or someone in power above you. Stay there and don’t panic in fear or desert in bitterness. Through the Christlike character God is building in me, the Lord gives me the ability to sooth anger with a calm forbearance. This is where having a close/consistent communication pipeline open with God comes into play in amazing ways. It says a lot about Jesus in me when I humbly listen while quietly praying for wisdom and words of a disarming nature. More often than not your stock will rise when your boss or leader sees you humbly and meekly stand in the fray and extinguish the flame of the situation through soothing acknowledgement and/or wise solutions. Thank you Lord for the undeniable presence of Your Spirit in times in my life.

[QTVOTD] It doesn’t take much…

Ben’s QTVOTD – “DEAD FLIES cause the ointment of the perfumer to putrefy [and] send forth a vile odor; so does a little folly [in him who is valued for wisdom] outweigh wisdom and honor.  A wise man’s heart turns him toward his right hand, but a fool’s heart toward his left.” Ecclesiastes 10:1-2 ->me: What a day to get this set of verses in my quiet time.  Once again, I read these verses (while reading ahead) a couple of days ago, but now after prayer for God’s understanding of these texts, they hit home.  This fly in the ointment happened to me about 6 months ago.  I consider work my mission field and I strive to be not only above reproach in my walk but to keep my speech and perception that which is worthy of my King.  I remember being in a meeting room with my vice president and several others recounting a funny but lightly inappropriate (involved a conversation/prank in a bathroom) about 6 years ago that involved myself and said V.P.  I immediately could tell that this normally uninhibited V.P. had a look on his face that was other than amused.  I stopped immediately but knew right then and there I had screwed up (mostly that I had let my Lord and Savior down).  In an effort to be silly and tell a funny story, I went against wisdom, choosing my left hand and am fairly confident I, in that one act, tainted years of reputation of character in that one moment of folly.  The worst part is that I tainted a representation of Christ I strive to preserve.  To this day I pray for God’s mercy and forgiveness for that moment and resulting change in perception.  Although it will not erase what I did, I probably (I know I need to) approach my V.P. and apologize for the comments and ask for his forgiveness.  Lord, please give me the courage to do this as soon as this coming week, that I might reclaim as much of your glory as possible in the eyes of those I work with.

[QTVOTD] Heed quiet wisdom…

Ben’s QTVOTD – “The words of wise men heard in quiet are better than the shouts of him who rules among fools.” Ecclesiastes 9:17 ->me: Strangely this verse is an affirmation of the way I try to operate in most circumstances. At work I am not typically the guy standing up in front of many people trying to influence in that way; I try to work behind the scenes as much as possible, to help others see a path forward. I am not saying I am the wise man but I did take away that we should listen to the quiet wisdom from those around us rather than follow the loudest voice in the room, on the Facebook feed, or in the media. I think this ends up being the person who is meek in spirit, not out for themselves, so the information or advice is more likely to be genuine. I really like the insight that true wisdom is not proud, true wisdom is gracious, and that true wisdom does not need an audience of many. As I ask for wisdom from the Lord, I pray that I will have the meekness and humility to be that quiet wisdom heard in the quiet. I also pray that this is the wisdom that I seek out from others. That the Lord would give me the discernment to know the quiet wise ones He has put in my life and add weight to the learnings from those individuals.

[QTVOTD] Live joyfully and enjoy your marriage…

Ben’s QTVOTD – “Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun—all the days of futility. For that is your portion in this life and in your work at which you toil under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 9:9 ->me: The Preacher encourages us to enjoy our married mates in this life ‘under the sun’. The demands of marriage include giving of affection (whom you [actively] love), the active pursuit of enjoyment in it (Live joyfully), a life-long (all the days) encouragement amid the responsibilities and duties of life (in you work at which you toil). Through God’s grace and blessing, Marianne and my marriage has been the birthplace of so much good. As with any marriage, we have had our struggles and challenges but I would never trade our experiences together…for anything. I am a better man because of Marianne. We are living proof that through a marriage where both husband and wife have Jesus as their first love, there is not the Lord cannot do through them. When I reflect on what God has done and look presently at what He is doing, I understand the call here to strengthen that bond with the one who God will use to make us all who He wants us to be. The short of it is that Marianne is a bit of heaven given to me from God, here on this earth, and during this time ‘under the sun’.