QTVOTD: Look for examples…

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 -> me: As a person who struggles with pride, humility is an area of focus in my Christian walk.  I love how Paul directs us to look at the good points and qualities in our own fellow-Christians and to be watching for them so that we can recognize the good we do when those things (in faith) appear and are emulated in our own lives.  I just got done going through Peter’s letters where in 1 Peter 5:5-6 he says that we are to clothe ourselves ‘with humility towards one another’ as we humble ourselves ‘under God’s mighty hand’. Unless our humility begins in a recognition of our creaturely dependence upon God and our true condition in his sight, it will only show itself to the world as humbug and a false self-depreciation.  So, my pride and self-sufficiency go hand in hand to work against a true humility.  Said more clearly – If my humility doesn’t start with an understanding of the infinite evil that my sin is to an infinitely Holy God, then my so-called humility will be not be genuine; actually working against my faith as note of hypocrisy.   Lord God, help me lean into you for all my needs, not let my flesh lose faith and rip control away.  Help me to be aware of the people you bring into my life, who are a model of good, like Paul was to the church at Philippi.

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