“And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in [spreading] the good news (the Gospel) of Christ, to strengthen and establish and to exhort and comfort and encourage you in your faith, that no one [of you] should be disturbed and beguiled and led astray by these afflictions and difficulties [to which I have referred]. For you yourselves know that this is [unavoidable in our position, and must be recognized as] our appointed lot.” 1 Thessalonians 3:2-3 ->me: Because Paul was not able to get back to Thessalonica, he accepted this and sent Timothy instead. This is huge because Timothy was such a partner and encouragement to Paul. This shows Paul’s deep love for the recently converted. What is even more interesting (after doing a little investigation) is that what Paul was really concerned about is that under the duress and persecution by the Gentiles, the Jews would come along with their smooth talk and tell them that all they needed to do was revert back to Judaism and they would avoid the torment. Paul is telling them that this was one of the reasons he sent Timothy. Then Paul ends verse 3 with the sobering reminder that afflictions and persecution are just part of what we sign up for when we become followers of Christ. I should always expect the world to push back against my faith, to question it, and even look down upon me for putting my faith and trust in the God of the bible….but His favor is what my eyes are set upon, His favor is the ribbon at the end of my race.